
Consensus Tours

Give Your Buyers an Immersive Product
Experience with Tours

Consensus brings the power of Tours to help your buyers connect your value propositions with real-world problems that need solving. 

With our combination of Interactive Video Demos and Tours, you can guide your buyers through an immersive demo experience that connects your product’s features with the problems they want to solve. In less than 30 minutes, without the need of any professional services, you can craft a compelling story that highlights the unique value your product brings to the table

"I love having the ability to highlight key areas of our product with Target Areas and tell instructive stories with Live UI Elements that give buyers the opportunity to see how our platform behaves when they take certain actions."
Charlie Lytle
Solutions Consultant Manager at Blackbaud

Tell Compelling Product led Stories in Minutes​

Creating a Tour starts with taking creating and editing screen captures of the parts of your solution that you want to showcase. From there, our platform makes it easy to add clickable guides that help buyers understand the “how” and “what” that support the “why” of your video demos.

1. Capture

Use the Consensus Capture Chrome extension to grab customized screen captures of your product(s) and upload them to a Tour.

2. Edit

Add Hotspots to explain page elements, Targets Areas to guide buyers through their Tour, and Live UI elements to help them learn what your products does in the context of why they need you.

3. Share

Embed your Tour into your automated video demos and watch as your buyers engage and immerse themselves in your solution.


Video and text explainers that drive home key concepts on each Tour page.

Target Areas

Show stakeholders how to navigate between the pages of your product's story.

Target Areas

Show stakeholders how to navigate between the pages of your product's story.

Live UI Elements

Actions your buyers can take to see how your product actually works.

The result? Engaged buyers who truly understand the value your product brings to their organization.

The Consensus Advantage

Product-led growth is more than just leading with the product itself. It is about telling product related stories that give clients the context they need without making them work too hard for it. Consensus Tours give marketing, sales, presales, and customer success teams the advantage of being able to showcase key sections and complex processes without requiring a fully functional sandbox or forcing buyers down a rigid, inflexible path.

How Tours Benefit Your Buyers:

Connect your value propositions with real-world problems

With Tours, you can tell product led stories that resonate with specific customer needs.

Show, don't tell

Engage buyers with immersive experiences that showcase your product's full potential.

It’s simple

Create and embed tours into your Interactive Video Demos in minutes without the help of developers or engineers.

Streamline your demo process

Out platform makes it easy to create and incorporate Interactive Video Demos and Product Tours into your existing demo process, saving you time and effort.

Learn more about
our other capabilities.


Engagement data for understanding your buyers


Carefully curated integrations that work where you work


Buyer Enablement for teams across the funnel