
10 Tips for Twitter Business Marketing


bigstock-Belgrade-February-L-72061939Why Use Twitter for Business Purposes?

Using Twitter for business is an excellent (and relatively easy) way to develop your brand personality, connect directly with prospects and customers, target new audiences and increase your website’s Google authority. Below, we’ve outlined ten awesome tips that we at CONSENSUS™ use to optimize our tweets from wholesale NFL jerseys an organic approach. Check it out!

1. Keep it 100-120 characters long

You’re given 140 characters per tweet, but tweets that long typically go less noticed. You want viewers to know the purpose of your tweet the moment they start reading it.

2. Attach an image

According to HubSpot, tweets with images receive 36% more clicks than those without one. Images are the best way to get your tweet noticed instantly through the constantly changing news feed. Check out our post on how to master marketing images.

3. Use hashtags

Give your tweet exposure to a whole new (and targeted) audience by adding 2-3 hashtags. For example, if you’re sharing an article about best B2B marketing practices, use “#B2B”, “#marketing” and/or “#B2BMarketing”.


4. Share other peoples’ work

No come one wants WordPress to follow an account that is purely self-promotional. Find authors, speakers or thought leaders in your industry and share links to their work. Your audience will appreciate the educational information over a post on how amazing your company is (of course, there is a time and place for that too).

5. Tag people

Especially if you’re sharing other peoples’ work, tag them in your post by using the “@” symbol cheap jerseys followed by their Twitter handle. This allows them to notice you (because Twitter will notify them that they’re mentioned in a tweet), share your tweet, and potentially expand your audience.

6. Comment

It’s common for business Twitter accounts to spend more time promoting themselves than actually interacting with their audience. Taking time to leave thoughtful, non-promo comments on your followers’ tweets and those that aren’t following you is the best way to build up your credibility and respect as a business on Twitter.

7. Search hashtags

What audience are you looking to target through Twitter? Use Twitter’s search bar to see what Hours people in your industry are talking about. This is a great place to comment on, follow or retweet new people that are in your target wholesale MLB jerseys audience.

8. Use Bitly

Using Bitly cheap NBA jerseys (or other sites with a purpose) allows you to track the number of clicks the links in your tweets are getting. It also makes your tweets look tidier by shortening links significantly – which also shortens your tweet as a whole, so if you’re trying to fit a lot into one tweet, can help you save space.

9. Use intriguing wording

Use questions, stats, facts or quotes to help make your tweet the most interesting. You might want to share a great How article, but its title is dull. Instead of using the article title in the tweet, find an interesting quote from the article.

10. Post frequently

HubSpot recommends posting 5-10 times a day, with peak hours for posting being at 9am to 3pm ET, Monday through Thursday. Consistency is key to developing a trustworthy and reliable Twitter business presence, so try to create a basic schedule to follow.

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